The Final Days of a Blogger

I remember the first day I was told I would have to blog every week. It was the first day my mouth dropped to the floor and stayed there for about 7.5 minutes. While I had no clue where to start, I knew it would be a journey. After all, blogging was apart of social media and who doesn’t love social media?

My first post was: OMG, my first blog- and while writing it, I was definitely saying OMG the whole time.

Once I got the hang of it, I have to say it wasn’t too bad. The changing of the themes, the different topic options and being able to express my thoughts was a beautiful thing.

This has definitely shown me that blogging isn’t for everyone and I may be one of those people. Give me a paper or proposal to write and I’m good to go. Tell me to blog and I’ll just stare at you.

Although I enjoyed having a social media professor as informative and excited about overall social media and blogging, I don’t think I’ll ever blog again 🙂

Blogging is fun yet time consuming.

Blogging can be interesting, but not always.

There are just times you just don’t feel like blogging.

It’s always difficult when it’s mandatory. So, if blogging is no longer mandatory of me, who knows. I may just blog one last time.

Overall, social media is forever changing and there will always be things to learn. The content presented in the class has been good and their have been takeaways- excluding mandated blogs 🙂

Wegmans and Me

Wegmans… You may read that and think, “What the heck is she about to talk about now?” Well, since you’re reading, I might as well tell you.

With a blog as diverse as mine, I wanted to look for a company that may cause you to think their focus is one thing, in this case groceries, food and sales, when actually it’s just as diverse as my own. According to, a marketing, social media and humanity company, the Wegmans blog was named as one of the 10 best corporate blogs in the world. states, “In a hotly competitive, low-margin business, this regional grocery chain is trying to stand out with a fun, easy-to-navigate site. The blog design changes every few weeks to reflect colorful seasonal themes. The company has managed to attract a loyal and engaged audience through posts from president Danny Wegman and other store employees on ideas for entertaining at home, recipes and nutrition as well as responding to questions by telling customers which aisle to find ingredients for some tasty muffins. The blog is full of fun, down home and authentic engagement.

The Wegmans blog is different from my blog because although they are diverse in content, they still make it a goal to focus on direct sales and loyalty. However, we are alike because our overall blog focus and topics are never the same, sticking to one thing. I feel the blog is very credible and engaging which makes you fall in love with Wegmans even more.

I feel that it is important for corporate blogs to let their customers know that while they are about business, they are also down to earth, making it clear that employers – and even the Wegmans President – contribute to the blog conversations and transparency. If the public sees a company’s honesty and straightforwardness  then they’re more likely to do business with it. With Wegmans already being a well-known name and company, their online communication can only increase their credibility and likeability.

Interested in what Wegmans is talking about? After reading this, of course you are. So here ya go:

Thanksgiving Time: Let’s Eat

Considering my blog usually consists of day to day moments going on in the entertainment world, I feel it’s best to switch it up a little and blog about Thanksgiving- it’s only appropriate with it being just 2 days away. With that said, I would like to piggy back off Alexandra Fischer’s Thanksgiving blog, which you can enjoy here:

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, joyful, appreciate family and if you’re greedy like me EAT. As my title suggest, food especially holiday food, just puts you in a calming and happy state of mind – at least it does that for me 🙂

All year, I complain about working out (or lack there of) and gaining weight because I sit at a desk for 8 hours amongst other things. But when Thanksgiving comes around, I think of it as a time to eat and not feel guilty or think twice about anything. If you must feel guilty, at least wait until the leftovers are just about gone or you’re tired of eating them- which for me is usually when Monday hits and I’ve eaten leftovers for breakfast lunch and dinner.

If you’re hosting for the first time, you can take a look at Alexandra’s blog and get some amazing ideas and tips. Because of all the work and cleaning that goes into Thanksgiving, i don’t plan on hosting any time soon. However, I will share some of my favs. This Thanksgiving, I’m meeting family in Colorado. It’s my aunts turn to cook and if she has the following, I will be the happiest girl alive- in this case- happiest girl eating:

(click on the picture to view recipes)

Ham Hocks:



While this whole blog can be pictures of my “must have” foods, I’ll stop there. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays mostly because of foods, foods and foods- O, and family. I am sure we all have our favorites and can discuss our love of Thanksgiving all day. Until we can, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday- good times with family, friends and food.








‘In Living Color’ Returns

In Living Color Theme Song


Today, we have many shows, movies and overall entertainers that love to make us laugh. When I think of shows that will guarantee a good laugh, I immediately think of Family Guy, MadTV, any Comedy Central Roast and everyone’s favorite -The Simpsons. However, in the early 90’s, there was one unscripted and down to earth show that was sure to get your spirits up. This show was called In Living Color.

In Living Color is an American sketch comedy television series, which originally ran on the Fox Network from April 1990 to May 1994. The sketch comedy show helped launch the careers of comedians and actors such as Jamie Foxx, Jim Carey and even Jennifer Lopez, who was a dancer for the show, at the time known as a Fly Girl.

On October 28, 2011, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Fox announced the return of In Living Color sometime in 2012, airing two half-hour specials hosted and executive produced by co-creatorKeenan Ivory Wayans, with the option of picking the series up for the following season. states, “Over 20 years ago, “In Living Color” redefined sketch comedy on TV and launched several performers into superstardom, including Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx, Damon Wayans, David Alan Grier and even Jennifer Lopez. And starting next spring, it may happen all over again. Although the series’ original cast are still strongly identified with the show, the “In Living Color” specials will have an all new cast. Wayans co-created “In Living Color” in 1990 with his brother, Damon Wayans. The show launched in midseason and it immediately struck a chord with audiences thanks to its raw comedy and frequently hilarious improvised dialogue. During a special Super Bowl halftime edition of “In Living Color,” Fox managed to siphon away 25 million viewers from CBS’ telecast at the height of the show’s popularity.”

Ever since the cancelation of “Mad TV,” Fox has been searching for a new sketch series and the return of In Living Color may just be the answer.

I don’t know about you, but considering I still sit and watch re-runs, there is no way this girl will miss such an anticipated comeback.

The Verdict is in…

If you follow my blog- or better yet, the Micheal Jackson trail – you know at least something about it. If you don’t follow my blog or any other type of news and you live in the stone age, there is still no way you could have missed the verdict on yesterday.

Yesterday, November 7, 2011, at 4pm, the verdict for Murray Conrad was announced. Drum Roll please… GUILTY!!! While it came as no surprise to me, many people were upset that he was charged with involuntary manslaughter and not first degree murder instead. Today on the radio, it was stated that Murray is currently under a suicide watch as he awaits his jail time, without bail, set to begin November 28, 2011.

As I stated in a previous post when the trial first began, it was sometimes hard to watch or even listen to. As time moved in, the evidence against Micheals doctor became more and more obvious as well as disturbing. What I’am not understanding is how there actually people tweeting and responding with statements such as “Michael was already dying” or “Michael brought this on himself.” Even though the last few pictures and sights of Micheal reflected an extremely thin and tired looking performer, I believe that if he was very sick and close to passing, Conrad Murray only made it worse, speeding up the process.

TMZ (one of my blog sources) stated: “Dr. Conrad Murray has been found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. After the verdict was read, you can hear La Toya Jackson cry. Jurors came back with the verdict, finding prosecutors proved beyond a reasonable doubt … Dr. Murray is responsible for MJ’s death. Murray faces up to 4 years behind bars, but the reality is … he will not go to state prison because of a new law, and will likely serve his time in L.A. County Jail.”

While I am upset with such a short jail time, hopefully Karma will take care of him- sooner rather than later.



Entertainment News: Kim Kardashian files for divorce

It seems like it was just yesterday when I dedicated an entire blog to Kim K’s wedding episode and all the media and hype surrounding it. But after just 72 days of actually being married, the star as filed for divorce.

Many people are upset, not because they wanted the marriage to last, but because it seems as if the whole thing was for money and publicity. Every story and headline at the moment is stating how Kim K made $17.9 million off her wedding, she continues to keep any endorsements and her upcoming show will air the couples old relationship- which just means more money for her.

As of last year, the Kardashian family made $65 million, so you can only imagine what their net worth is – which continues to grow. Other topics regarding the divorce include:

  • Kim denying her ex of spousal support.
  • How the filing for divorce was a shock for Kris Kardashian (oops I mean Kris Humphries)
  • Kim has made more off this wedding than what took Kris 7 years to make playing in the NBA
  • How the whole thing was a set up from the beginning. Don’t worry, I’ll explain.

Rumor has it, Producers of Keeping up with the Kardashians asked – yes asked- a different guy if he was interested in dating Kim and possibly marrying her. When he declined the offer, Kris was found. In addition to that, the fact Kris Humphries plays for the New York Nets is perfect timing for the premiere of Kim and Kourteney Take New York – scheduled to air Sunday, November 6, 2011. Not only does this boost ratings and air the couple’s relationship, it also gives a little airtime to the New York Nets and possible information regarding the lockout. Ironic? I think not. While this is only a “rumor” it makes a lot of sense to me.

When it comes to marriage, this is something that should not be taken lightly. Marriage is about making a commitment and doing everything it takes to stick to those vows.

As much as I love their shows, I don’t understand how someone can go as far as marrying someone all for money and fame. But, you have to give it to the Kardashian empire- they are smart business people who always have a plan. I’m sure there are television specials and numerous magazine covers already in the works.

Wanna know more exciting and juicy details? Well here is the place to be.

The Power of Social Media

Jobs. Interviews. Economy. HELP! Words that I’ve heard, said or thought on a regular basis in today’s economy. With the job market so scarce nowadays, there’s no problem finding articles, blogs and information on help with finding work, possible job openings and most importantly, using social media to your advantage.

Ironically, as I thought about a topic to discuss, I came across a blog titled, “Harness the Power of LinkedIn.” Just like all other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn has been on a steady rise and continues to live up to its purpose- networking and connecting. While this particular post isn’t within my usual category of entertainment and news, it is an important topic to me that many are discussing as well as myself.

LinkedIn was created to help network and connect employees to one another. While more individuals have created accounts to look for a job, keep their options open when they are ready to look for something new or even just build their network, many are unsure as to how they should use the tool exactly. The blog “Harness the Power of LinkedIn” focuses on what to do and what you should include when using LinkedIn.

Perry Newman, the writer of the blog, has been successful in providing useful help and tips when it comes to anything that can possibly land you a job. Two weeks ago, he wrote a blog named, “Job Hunting in the 21st Century: Resume writing Easy or Effortless?” So far, I haven’t read anything that I have disagreed with. In fact, after reading the LinkedIn blog, I checked my own LinkedIn account to make sure I followed the tips he listed.

While everyone has their own way of networking and looking and applying for jobs, there is nothing wrong with researching what works for others from time to time. Some help is always better than no help. You never know- You may learn something you never knew.

The Kim Kardashian Wedding

Whether you know of them, watch them, love them or hate them- you have at least heard of the Kardashian name.

Since the Kardashian family hit the airways of television, I have been a fan since day 1. While I disagree with some of their actions and decisions they have made throughout the years- individually or collectively I admire the marketing and public relations behind the family and their name. I believe the marketing and business side behind this family is so strong, someone who has no clue what the two are can learn just from watching and reading about them.

Perfect example- Kim Kardashian’s wedding that aired this past Sunday and Monday. Because of the influence she has had on the media, her entire wedding was free due to designers, cooks, planners etc all wanted to “donate” or be a part of her special day just to get recognition of how they were included in her big day.

Last week, I was talking to a co-worker about how I couldn’t wait to watch the 2 part, 2 hour wedding premiere. She responded by asking me if I felt that this wedding was receiving the same amount of attention, if not more, than the Royal wedding. While my initial answer was no simply because you can’t compare her wedding to one of a prince but as I thought about, I honestly couldn’t give a definite no, especially considering the wedding has been compared to the Royal wedding.

Do I belive the Kardashians get A LOT of attention for sometimes no reason at all? Yes. Do I believe they don’t have real jobs or hobbies? Yes. Do I believe they are smart in strategizing and marketing thier brand as a whole? HECK YES!!!

Even though this wedding may not be a big deal to some, I had to blog about it since it has been in the news and media for months before airing this week. If you are interested in seeing this lavish occasion, no worries – re-runs will air forever. WHY? because the marketing team behind the Kardashian empire is one of a kind and money must and will be made.


The Michael Jackson Trial

So, who has been keeping up with the MJ trail? If you haven’t don’t feel bad. Everytime I attempt to watch it, my eyes tear up. There is nothing more sad and depressing than watching something you feel or felt so strongly about.

When the trial first began and the juror was introduced, many thoughts came to mind.

  • When looking back on Michaels influence, I feel like half, if not the entire jury will already be one-sided.
  • Most of the world feels strong about Michael, in return, feels strong about this case. Because of this, there may already be a bias with the trial.

The last CNN coverage I watched of the trial showed evidence from Dr. Conrad Murray’s phone. After giving Michael medicine, he would then engage in conversation with Michael and record it. Doesn’t sound to wrong right? WRONG! The sound you hear from the recording is hard to understand simply because you can barely understand what Michael is saying. This took place just 1 month before his death. The court had to provide script to the recording because you understood NOTHING! 3 later, Dr. Murray order tons more of the prescription that had Michael unable to speak.

How sick does a person have to be, right?

The images and evidence thus far has been crazy. Every time the camera panes to Murray and he’s crying, I find myself smacking him through the television- yes, you read correct. I have no shame admitting that whatsoever.

If you aren’t following the trail. are saddened by the trail or just don’t have time to watch there are many live updates and blogs out there you can visit. As powerful and influential as Michael was, just about all of the internet has content around this trial. One feed I’ve been following that I know will keep me up-to-date no matter what is the LA Times twitter feed. Feel free to do the same- they won’t disappoint.

For more updates, follow!/latimesMJ

My Blog, My Interest!

This weeks blog is all about how my blog is related to my personal interests and how I plan to show my personality while also maintaining a main focus.

Well, where can I start?  O, I know- Who doesn’t like entertainment? The term entertainment involves so many different things, allowing everyone to like at least one piece of entertainment. Entertainment through music; Entertainment through dance; Entertainment through fashion; Entertainment through movies… ok, ok, I think you get the point. Entertainment is all around us everyday. There is no way to avoid it and no way to not know what’s going on in the entertainment world. However, if you are someone who has no clue as to what’s going on, you just simply live under a rock. Period.

Showing my personality through my blog should be a piece of

Why? I would like to think it’s fun, creative, colorful and new- new because I’ve never done a blog in my life. I get motivation from watching tv, listening to music and reading articles, all while attempting a blog post. Some may think that doesn’t help someone to write but instead distracts them but, I couldn’t stop if I tried. I have at least 3 shows that I must watch, a couple times during the day when I must listen to the radio and a couple of sites I visit for articles and the latest news… EVERYDAY!

Enough about the blogs writer, personality and staying focused. Let’s discuss something that has taken place in the entertainment world recently. Any thoughts? It’s ok, I’ll help you out- a new show that showcases true talent: The Sing Off. This show brings on groups who sing a capella while also serving as their own instruments. One of the hosts writes in his blog, “This is the ONLY vocal competition show of its kind on television where you will hear vocal groups perform with absolutely NO instrumental accompaniment!” What exciting entertainment right? Wanna see more, check it out below.

So, if you have been living under a work, you have experienced your first piece of entertainment- well after you watch the video of course.